Saturday, January 17, 2009

it's all rushing up and up and up

when i woke up this morning, the second time, i had nearly fallen off the bed that's really too big for only me and was glad, for a moment, that i didn't have a smaller one. then i wished again for the cedar twin that patiently holds all the stuff in my old bedroom to hold me up now, in this one, because i'm falling all the time. those people lie when they say one falls into love. they lie when they make it sound pleasant, like a tom petty song.

1 comment:

the brightest buzzing desire said...

When I woke up this morning for the second time, almost fell out of bed too big for me and I am pleased with the time that was less. So I was patiently holding Cedar twins all my old stuff in my room that I am involved at any time. These people are when they say that with love. When you are good friends, and little end of the song